Repatriations & Exhumation Seminar 2020 AGM – Mr Rowan Steer

Rowan Steer

Exhumations Australia is a part of Integrity Funerals, based on the Gold Coast. For this specific field of funeral work we believe that our company has no peer in Australia.  Though based on the Gold Coast we have performed and continue to perform the important task of the exhumation of  human remains all over Queensland, other states of Australia and in some cases we have travelled overseas. We have acted for private families, legal institutions, local councils and government. We are qualified and proficient in the sometimes intricate process of the exhumation of human remains and more importantly have over twenty five years experience in performing this type of work many times. If you are seeking more information about this process we invite you to contact Exhumations Australia so we may help you understand what is required and assist you with your enquiry.

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